
Danger Ahead for C Level in Digital Commerce and Job Role Ambiguity

Alan Royal, Head of Technology Innovation and Business Transformation, Strategy CIO

The Future of Cashless Banking

Savio Thattil, CIO & SVP of Technology, Sephora Americas

The Future of Cashless Banking

With the decrease in cash use, the increase in financial literacy and the development of technology, payment system shave become even more important today.

How Becoming Truly Omni- Channel Supports the Customer

Joe Megibow, CEO, Purple

How Becoming Truly Omni- Channel Supports the Customer

Cloud is similar to a data center. However, not many understand what it actually consists of.

POS Systems Can Now Become Artificial Intelligence Weapons

Lucas E. Wall, CEO, ROI Checker

In recent years we have seen significant scientific contributions to the field of human influence, which studies how the people we know and interact with influence the decisions we make.

The 4th Industrial Revolution: Retailer's Must Do or Die

Dr. Mark Chrystal, Chief Analytics Officer, rue21

The 4th Industrial Revolution: Retailer's Must Do or Die

We are in the midst of an industrial revolution that will impact the world economy and humankind every bit as much as the first industrial revolution did.

Customer Experience-the Driving Force of E-commerce Business

Chris Homer, Co-founder & CTO, thredUP

Customer Experience-the Driving Force of E-commerce Business

To stay ahead of their competitors in the longer run, companies should focus majorly on providing excellent customer experience and finding the right balance between a company’s business

Transforming Merchandise Industry with New Market Possibilities

Antonio Sciuto, EVP & Chief Marketing Officer North America, Nestlé

Transforming Merchandise Industry with New Market Possibilities

Business today is a heaving landscape across which we have never traveled.

Extending the Power of your POS to Loyalty and CRM

Mark Horbal, CIO & CTO, SpringBIG

Extending the Power of your POS to Loyalty and CRM

Your POS is your workhorse. It sees every transaction in every store.

Addressing Retail's Unfulfilled Promise

Lauren Mead, VP-Marketing, TrimeTrade Systems

Addressing Retail's Unfulfilled Promise

Today’s retail landscape is more challenging, competitive and dynamic than ever before.

Mobisoft: Streamlining B2B E-Commerce at Fingertips

Matan Holander, VP Business Development

Mobisoft: Streamlining B2B E-Commerce at Fingertips

Business-to-business (B2B) e-commerce has evolved at multiple levels. Evidently, understanding the unique purchasing preferences of the modern day buyers have become increasingly critical to the long-term growth of B2B merchants.

Five Signs It's Time to Rethink Your Social Strategy

Andrew Wilson, CIO, Accenture

Five Signs It's Time to Rethink Your Social Strategy

Only a few decades ago, it would have been inconceivable for employees to collaborate in real time across continents.

Seven Signs of Disruption to Watch in 2017

Rod Sides, Vice Chairman, US Retail, Wholesale and Distribution leader, Deloitte LLP

Global market forces combined with an increasing proliferation of retail channels, along with commoditization of products and pricing, have resulted in elevated expectations on the part of many consumers.

Retail Liability In 140 Characters Or Less: Foreseeability In The Social Media Age

Nicholas P. Resetar, Associate Attorney, Roetzel & Andress

Retail Liability In 140 Characters Or Less: Foreseeability In The Social Media Age

By now, it is safe to say that Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest and MySpace are not merely fads that temporarily captured the attention span of the entire globe.

Speed of Retail

John O'Reilly, VP of Business Development, Aptaris

Speed of Retail

When consumers demand instant gratification, including fast delivery and information at their finger-tips, the speed of retail must be accelerated.

Digital Strategy around Technology and Customer Experience

Hui Wu-Curtis, Sr. Director, Customer Care Strategy-Global, Choice Hotels International

Digital Strategy around Technology and Customer Experience

In today’s environment, the contact center is viewed as one of many channels for customers to reach organizations.

How Cloud Technologies Help Retailers Stay Ahead of the Competition

Ian Pattison, Head of Retail Architecture, Google Cloud UK

How Cloud Technologies Help Retailers Stay Ahead of the Competition

Cloud can help unite and analyse various datasets to help brands evaluate sourcing decisions quickly and easily, with meaningful real-time inputs.

Apparel Development and Technology: Making the Digital Connection

David Grant, Vice President, PLM, Design and Supply Chain Systems, Fast Retailing [TYO: 9983]

Apparel Development and Technology: Making the Digital Connection

It’s no secret that the apparel manufacturing industry has a history of slow adoption rate of new technology.